Archive for Tech

More comcast woes

So, I have had comcast out today for the 4th time in as many weeks. I have been having video and data reception issues. A couple of weeks ago I was advised to replace my modem, which I dutifully did, but then this weekend was an internet free zone at the geekybrit household, as my modem was not working at all.

This morning, all is well, but I have to admit I am getting a little bit peeved with Comcast. The thing is tho, they are the only provider in my area that can provide fast enough internet speeds for me. DSL here is only 1.5 Mbps … ouch…

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New mobile theme

So if you own an iPhone or other compatible portable browsing device, you may notice a new interface if you visit the geekybrit.

I am using the wptouch plugin to provide a much nicer browser experience.


All quiet on the iPhone front…

So after a few teething troubles and a few forced reboots, a crash and some very buggy apps, I think my iPhone troubles have settled down.

Indeed, I am writing this post on my iPhone, not using a blog app, just safari. I am still looking for a moveable type blog app. Perhaps I should write one, I have the iPhone ask and have just been waiting for that “good idea”, but as usual it has not been forthcoming.



Iphone synching takes a LONG time with 2.0

So it appears that the synching of the iphone takes a long time with itunes 7.7 and iphone 2.0. I think this is probrably due to the apps installed on the iphone.

I am guessing it takes a backup of each app and its settings per synch. I can understand backing up the settings, but the app itself is already in itunes. Ahh well, I am sure we will see improvements with the apps as we go along.

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