Archive for iphone

Oooooh Iphone apps….

So I thought I would check out the new app store in itunes 7.7, in preparation for the launch of iphone 2.0 (or 2.”O this is what it should have been at launch” as I have called it).

There are quite a fair few apps available, some of them really crappy (Alarm Free), and some of them really cool (Pandora, MLB At Bat, Super Monkey Ball).

I downloaded a few of the free ones ready for my upgrade that will happen at 8am tomorrow morning. I decided to hang fire actually purchasing any until a few pioneers tried them out. Well, I might buy Super Monkey Ball, as that is a fairly safe bet. Oh, and iBeer is definitly worth a look too:

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An official unlocked Iphone?

Why waste time hacking the iphone to work on other carriers when you can just buy the iphone in France where it will come unlocked already.

Due to an overregulated market (i.e. Strange Laws), all phones sold in France must be available in an unlocked version. Apple therefore will be producing a premium priced unlocked iphone.

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Apple moves to Moorestown?

Wired Reports: Apple are looking at using Intel’s Moorestown platform for the next generation of iPhone.

So many people keep asking me if I will be dissappointed when Apple come out with the next rev phone in 2008. Well, the answer is yes, but I will not be upgrading – at least not until after 2 years. I love my iphone, and as Wifi is nearly everywhere I am not missing WiMax or 3g too much.

What would make me happy is for Mr Jobs to open the platform up so we can have some decent third party software apps. Unfortunatly, I disagree with him that Web 2.0 apps are sufficient. I want icons on my iphone screen, not bookmarks 3 levels down in Safari. Its the old adage that 3 clicks is far too many I am afraid…
