Archive for iphone

Iphone synching takes a LONG time with 2.0

So it appears that the synching of the iphone takes a long time with itunes 7.7 and iphone 2.0. I think this is probrably due to the apps installed on the iphone.

I am guessing it takes a backup of each app and its settings per synch. I can understand backing up the settings, but the app itself is already in itunes. Ahh well, I am sure we will see improvements with the apps as we go along.

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Iphone 2.0 Error -4

So after updating and reloading the music and data, I got the following error:


I cannot access anything in the iphone tab, and therefore I cannot install all the apps I downloaded last night… Come on apple, this is getting annoying 🙁

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Iphone 2.0 update… Error -9838

So I did not install the early version I found last night, but I did install the version ITunes offered me this morning…

The update downloaded and installed, But now I am stuck with the following error screen:
iphone 2.0 error -9838

Basically, it appears that the itunes store is a little overwhelmed and cannot be contacted. My boss had the same problem occur, and is currently at the apple store trying to get his life / phone fixed.

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Iphone 2.0 available now…

Dare you download it? It is probrably a beta, but I am downloading iphone 2.0 10 hours early…
