Archive for Current Affairs

I’m with Fred (on Federalism at least)

Fred Dalton Thompson has yet to announce his entry into the 2008 presidential race, but he has already had some success “online”… apparantly. I had never come across his website until today, when I read about it in a news article.

I was curious as to what my favorite Law and Order District Attorney had done on the web, and so I checked it out. I have to say its a nice site.

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US Internet is slow

There are reports that the average consumer broadband speed in the US is among the slowest in the world.

The average broadband download speed in the US is only 1.9 megabits per second, compared to 61 Mbps in Japan, 45 Mbps in South Korea, 18 Mbps in Sweden, 17 Mpbs in France, and 7 Mbps in Canada, according to the Communication Workers of America.

Yeh no kidding….

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Here is something you don’t see everyday

The San Francisco Bay Bridge was closed all this weeked for some seismic retrofitting:

Bay Bridge sans Traffic

And at night:

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British troops finishing up in Iraq

So it looks like British troops have handed almost all of their Southern Iraqi mandate over to Iraqi control. I was reading this and was shocked that the Brits have obviously managed to do something that the US military hasn’t.

We are all focused on the Northern region, and the Sunni Triangle, that we have forgotten about the successes of the Southern Region.

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