Archive for Current Affairs

Beckham injury no real surprise

During the Superliga game last night David Beckham was injured. My lovely wife and I watched this happen live (on some Spanish channel). The knee injury may see him out of action for up to 6 weeks.

He was already playing with a recurring ankle injury, and this new injury is surely just compounding the problem that the new Beckham era has been experiencing. Namely that the hype and the playing time are not matching up.

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NASA Shuttle to Launch Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber


Valley residents ready to rally for cleaner air

Valley residents ready to rally for cleaner air

My lovely wife is leading the charge in Sacramento. Lets hope the CVAQ can persuade the legislature that we can actually achieve something other than premature deaths, chronic breathing difficulties, and nation leading dirty air rankings.


Merced still one of least affordable

Merced still one of least affordable:

Wander into the sales office at the Sandcastle subdivision on Gerard Avenue and you’ll find a whopper of a deal: a $90,000 price cut on a four-bedroom house.

Ouch… That is my neighborhood… This probably means that my house is worth a lot less than I paid for it. 🙁
